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Metal 1 by Eric Jones (DVD)
This item is currently out of stock. Please call (773) 334-2855 with inquiry.
Manufacturer: Ellusionist
Your teacher is from the underground... Eric Jones. Directed by Brad Christian, this DVD was designed to serve as a full-service, gimmickless reference guide to coin magic. Brad wanted a single full-scale DVD that could range from beginner all the way through advanced, and give beautiful instruction along with ALL the moves you could ever want to learn ---- including the latest guarded sleights and the most devious moves of the past. When you acquire Metal, you will own a reference guide to becoming great. That much will be obvious. So sit back, click Play, and get to work.
CONCEALMENTS & PRODUCTIONS Finger palm Ramsay subtlety Classic palm Kaps / Malini subtlety Holding out multiples Thumb palm Downs palm Buckley production Mutobe palm Curl palm Edge grip Goshman / Tenkai pinch JW grip Gallo production Korn production Mutobe production The pop French pop VANISHES Taking Quick vanish Putting Elusive vanish Retention vanish Stylized retention pass UTILITIES Click pass Jones pass Roth shuttle pass Utility switch Wiped clean Townshend Hand washing Bobo switch Jones switch Benzais Friction palm Han Ping Chien SLEEVING Dr. E.M. Roberts sleeving Parallel sleeve vanish Sleeve retrieval ROUTINES 4-coin coins across Using a jumbo coin Simplex 3 fly Loose change Bluff vanish Jones spellbound TIPS Getting caught Windows Closing thoughts FLOURISHES Coin rolldown Five coin star Arm roll
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